In the fridge with... Georga Holt

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Carla Oates The Beauty Chef Founder

Melbourne-based naturopath Georga Holt spends her days working with clients and teaching them how best to nourish their bodies. With her expertise in health and a less is more approach to wellness, we were excited to go behind closed doors with Georga and see how she nourishes herself at home, starting with what's in her fridge...

Do you have a philosophy around food?

"My philosophy around food is to let your body tell you what it wants/requires. Don’t be influenced by social media/media as to what you should be eating to be the ‘healthiest’ version of yourself. Trust your body, it’s quite smart and will tell you what it needs."

Do you enjoy cooking? What are your favourite recipes to cook?

"I love cooking, especially as we head into the colder months. At the moment, my favourite thing to cook is a coconut red lentil soup (and any soup in winter). It is so simple to throw together after a busy day of work – hence my obsession."

What are the non-negotiables in your grocery shop each week?

"Diversity is my key when doing groceries. I aim to include a whole range of fruits, vegetables, proteins and fats to ensure I have a fridge stocked to support my body throughout the week."

Where do you usually shop for groceries?

"I mix it up based on what amount of time I have. But I love to shop at our local grocer, Psarakos, it has everything you need (and from good sources) – it's a fruit and veg shop, baker, butcher, florist and nut store."

How often do you do a grocery shop?

"My ritual is doing a Saturday morning shop. However, living in the city allows for a little stop on the way home from work for little things that will enhance our dinners. So realistically, I would say I would be at the grocers everyday (to satisfy any unplanned cravings)."

Are there any foods or snacks that you’ve been loving lately? How do you prepare them?

"Recently, I’ve been stripping my snacks back to basics and reaching for fruit and pairing it with nut butter or yoghurt to make it a well balanced snack."

What’s the one food you never, ever eat?

Oysters – even though I know how good they are for us, I just can’t bring myself to do it.

What is your favourite Beauty Chef product(s) and why? How long have you been taking it for?

"I have forever and always been a GLOW® lover. I think I have been taking it for maybe 2+ years now. I love the versatility it brings for my health, the antioxidant status is not only an amazing benefit for my skin but also for my internal health."

What does your inner beauty routine look like? I.e. food and supplements for your skin and overall health?

"It changes with the seasons and what I have going on in my life. But at the moment I have been reaching for omega and zinc supplements (for hydration & skin cell support in the colder months).

Water - always!! People often forget or underestimate the power water has for our health, it is a daily non-negotiable to drink 2-3L.

And of course making sure I have protein in every meal to help stabilize my blood glucose levels and fuel my body."

What’s your favourite way to enjoy your Beauty Chef products?

"During winter, GLOW®COLLAGEN together as a little after dinner or afternoon treat. In summer, I love the GLOW® mixed in yoghurt paired with chia puddings."

Sweet or savoury?

"At the moment, savoury."

Your all-time favourite food?


Your go-to dessert?

"Dark choc, of course."

Coffee or tea?


Takeout or a home cooked meal?

"Home cooked meal."

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