If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the fridge is the window to our daily diet. What we eat has an immense impact on our gut microbiome, which can then have a flow on effect on our skin, hormonal health, state-of-mind, immunity and more. So when we see someone who radiates with health, there’s one question that springs to mind: “What have they been eating?”.
Welcome to our In The Fridge With... series, where we peer into the fridges of movers and shakers and ask them about their grocery shop, go-to foods and recipes. First up? The Beauty Chef Founder & CEO Carla Oates.
Do You Have A Philosophy Around Food?
I definitely aim for balance and follow a healthy not perfect mindset. I love the quote by Michael Pollan: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”
What Are Your Favourite Meals At The Moment?
For breakfast, I’ve been loving paleo muesli with organic sheep’s milk yoghurt or coconut yoghurt and fresh berries.
At lunchtime, I love either chickpea patties or homemade zucchini and carrot fritters with a fresh salad, goat’s cheese, a tahini miso dressing and some fermented vegetables.
I usually make dinner for my family. I love roast chicken or wild-caught fish with roasted vegetables, a stir-fry with shredded tempeh for protein. If I want something quick and easy, I’ll whip up an egg omelette stuffed with lots of veggies and some fermented vegetables on top.
What Are The Non-Negotiables In Your Grocery Shop Each Week?
— Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as they are high in fibre which is so good for your gut microbiome.
— Fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kimchi.
— Kefir and organic yoghurts.
— Protein, such as tempeh, eggs and organic chicken.
— I love my condiments such as miso, chilli oil, hummus and spice mixes.
Where Do You Usually Shop For Groceries?
I pick up bits and pieces from all over the place. Most of my groceries I can get at The Health Emporium in Bondi, Harris Farm or my local supermarket but I love picking up interesting oils and spice mixes from the markets or local restaurants and delis.
Are There Any Foods Or Snacks That You’ve Been Loving Lately?
I love having healthy snacks in the fridge. When I have the time I’ll make a batch of GLOW Coconut Ice, Raw Energy Bars or Granola Bars. I also love making a batch of Miso Chocolate Brownies every now and then.
Are There Any Foods That You Never, Ever Eat?
I avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils as they are very inflammatory. However, I try not to demonise any one particular food as I believe that the impact of stressing over the food can cause more harm than the actual food itself. Don’t forget that stress impacts our gut microbiome too!
What Is Your Favourite The Beauty Chef Product And Why?
I’m a GLOW® devotee and always will be. I just recently turned 50, so I’ve now transitioned to GLOW AGELESS™. It really is the one product I think everyone should be taking 365 days of the year.
What Does Your Inner Beauty Routine Look Like?
GLOW AGELESS™, COLLAGEN, SUPGERGENES™ PMS Support & SUPGERGENES™ Sleep Support are my daily essentials. However, I do use lots of our other The Beauty Chef products when I feel I need them.I take my GLOW and COLLAGEN in water or a smoothie every morning without fail. I’ll also take two capsules of PMS Support with this, then at night I’ll take two capsules of Sleep Support half an hour before bed.