In The Fridge With... Kate Bell

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Carla Oates The Beauty Chef Founder
Kate Bell is an Australian model and yoga teacher who's beauty truly shines from the inside out. Not only does she look after her health physically, but she has a passion for healthy eating, too. She shops weekly at the local farmers market and focuses on eating the rainbow. What we love about Kate's approach to food is that it's non restrictive and is the perfect example of the #healthynotperfect approach to eating we believe in at The Beauty Chef.

Do you have a philosophy around food?

"Food is central to my existence. What I eat has ramifications; My food choices effect my positive outlook on life, how much energy I feel and how fresh I look.

Who I purchase food from, who I support financially by purchasing their food, means everything to me. The way I see it is if we truly want to live in a society where we live harmoniously with the natural world, I believe it starts from our food production.

I support small farms, rotational farms and organic farms. I eat a high protein diet; All sorts of well-reared meats and plant-based proteins. I love ‘eating the rainbow’, lots of coloured vegetables and a small amount of fruit.

Although I choose to be selective with what I eat, I eat delicious bolognaise pasta on weekends and love a good pizza and an aperol spritz with friends."

Do you enjoy cooking? What are your favourite recipes to cook?

"I love preparing meals, I’m fast and furious in the kitchen; Instant nourishment. I’ll make hummus each week, usually our evening meals are protein and veggies."

What are the non-negotiables in your grocery shop each week?

"Good salt and olive oil, loads of different vegetables and protein (meat, chicken, tofu etc)."

Where do you usually shop for groceries?

"I shop once a week at Carriageworks farmer’s market in Eveleigh, and Taste Organic supermarket, Enmore. Sometimes I’ll pick up things from roadside stalls when outside the city."

How often do you do a grocery shop?

"I do one big shop each week. Sometimes I’ll pick up bits and pieces through the week."

Are there any foods or snacks that you’ve been loving lately? How do you prepare them?

"I make hummus and eat it with either raw or baked carrot sticks. I always have fresh miso paste on hand for a cup-a-soup."

What’s the one food you never, ever eat?

"I loathe McDonalds and everything about it."

What is your favourite Beauty Chef product(s) and why? How long have you been taking it for?

"DAILY SUPERGREENS Inner Beauty Support. I take it every so often just to keep things flowing so to speak."

What does your inner beauty routine look like? I.e. food and supplements for your skin and overall health?

"I take a greens supplement most mornings however I’m not super strict with supplements, sometimes I miss days, it’s not a big deal to me because I believe that our bodies know when to take supplements. Liquid Vita C is always on hand, I use a liquid magnesium in my drinking water bottle along with a pinch of Celtic sea salt, a squirt of hemp oil at night and liver tea."

What’s your favourite way to enjoy your Beauty Chef products?

"With my green charge in the morning when I’m just about to run out the door, works for me." 

Sweet or savoury?


Your all-time favourite food?

"That’s not fair!!! Hahah I love beautiful fresh food but I also love good pizza and my home cooked bolognaise!"

Coffee or tea?


Takeout or a home cooked meal?

"Home cooked."

A daily super-greens powder with fibre to help keep you regular.

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