Upcycling is all about giving old or seemingly ‘useless’ objects new life. And while our food-grade packaging does a wonderful job of storing our Inner Beauty Powders and Boosts, there comes a time when it needs to be given a new lease of life.
Given that it’s estimated the personal care and beauty industry produces more than 120 billion units of packaging globally every single year—it’s important for us each to consider our individual footprint and recycle or upcycle wherever possible. The good news is, however, that in recent years, there has been an increased trend and interest in the importance of sustainability, so if you are wanting to know more about how to upcycle or how to recycle beauty products, the internet is a treasure trove of resources.
But to help get you started, we wanted to curate a few ideas to inspire you on how to upcycle your Beauty Chef products when you reach the bottom of the tub—because while recycling our packaging is good (and the majority of our primary packaging is now completely recyclable), upcycling is even better…
Make Overnight Oats: The Delicious Way To Recycle Packaging
If you’ve got an empty GLOW, CLEAR SKIN, GUT PRIMER or CLEANSE container lying around, then you’ve got the perfect on the go breakfast vessel. These tubs are the perfect size for a delicious portion of overnight oats and, given that they’re made with food-grade plastic, they make for the ideal reusable container! Make a batch of our Glow Bircher Muesli, and come morning, spoon one portion into the empty tub. Add your favourite toppings and voila—you’ve got yourself a cute, toteable breakfast!
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Our Inner Beauty Boosts make for a great reusable water bottle. They’re cute, light and at 500mL, they make it easy to track your water consumption and stay hydrated throughout the day. Keep one in the fridge and one in your bag so you’re never caught out. Alternatively, fill your empty Boost bottles with shampoo and conditioner from your local package-free or bulk foods store.
Store Dry Ingredients The Upcycled Way
If you love to shop at your local bulk shop, make sure to take your empty tub of BODY Inner Beauty Support with you. As The Beauty Chef BODY containers are completely airtight, they’re the perfect way to keep your dry ingredients fresh and your pantry tidy. When it comes to whipping up your favourite dish, simply use the scoop to portion out the amount you need.
Keep Your Keepsakes Safe
While all of The Beauty Chef tubs are ideal to store smaller objects, your empty Flora Fix Balm is especially useful for holding small pieces of jewellery, paper clips or even any vitamins or pills that you need to take. You can take the label off if you prefer, leaving you with a beautiful amber-coloured glass jar that’s perfect for home or travel. If you’re taking a short trip, why not add a few pumps of moisturiser, cleanser, soap or toothpaste to the empty jar? It’ll save you from having to pack bulky bottles in your bag!
Brighten Your Workspace
Got an empty bottle of our Probiotic Skin Refiner? Remove the label and the small plastic piece from the neck and you’ve got yourself a beautiful amber-coloured vase! Use it to display delicate little flowers and you’ll instantly brighten up even the dullest of rooms. Given that more of us are now working from home these days, too, upcycle your Beauty Chef packaging by storing pens and pencils in our handy tubs, or refill your GLOW F.A.C.E bottle with your favourite essential oil blend to dab on your wrists as a natural alternative to perfume and give your work day a little scent-spiration.