One of my favourite parts about my job is connecting with you, our beautiful community. In the 14 years since I first founded The Beauty Chef, not only has the business grown, our community of like-minded customers has expanded too—but connection remains so important.
With that in mind, every now and again, I like to share my Glow Calendar—a collection of the articles, events and foods that have filled my cup this month, in the hopes that they might provide you with some joy and inspiration as well.
So without any further ado, here is my Glow Calendar for February and March.
Monday: For The Soul
Carla pictured with Otis and Francesca on her 50th birthday.
I turned 50 in February and after initially planning on keeping it low-key with a small dinner, my friends and family twisted my arm until I finally agreed to have a much bigger party to celebrate this milestone. And I’m so glad they did. After a few years of Covid birthdays, it was so nice to have everyone in the same room again, with family and friends attending from locally and interstate. Certainly, good for the soul!
Tuesday: For The Eyes
The Pink Salt Ponds of Camargue, France are a sight to be seen. Like the pink lakes of Western Australia, the salt ponds are full of Dunaliela Salina, the microalgae that makes Pink Flamingos pink.
Wednesday: For The Ears
You know what lasagne tastes like, but do you know what it sounds like? I recently discovered a video the New York Times created with Italian chef Massimo Bottura where they recorded the sound as he made his favourite dish. It’s an interesting listen.
Thursday: For The Mind
I go for a walk every single morning without fail and have often described this practice as a filing system for my brain. Not only does it help me de-stress, it’s also where I do my best thinking and brainstorming.
This article by The New Yorker explains what’s going on in our brain when we take a stroll and how this practice really does help us think clearly.
Friday: For The Mouth
Image caption: A delicious cake baked by @VegeMammma.
For my birthday, my friend Valentine Fodor, who goes by @VegeMammma on Instagram, baked me this delicious cake. Not only do her cakes look phenomenal, they’re also healthy-ish (well, as healthy as a cake can get). You can ready more about her work here or order your own below.