Get Gutsy With... Deborah Sams

Carla Oates
Carla Oates The Beauty Chef Founder

With Deborah Sams

As the co-founder and creative director of bassike, Deborah Sams is no stranger to style. Her clothing has garnered legions of fans from around the globe—with bassike famous for creating high-quality, design-led and sustainably sourced wardrobe essentials.

Aside from lusting after her collections, we were also inspired to learn what Deborah finds empowering and joyful as she enjoys this season in her life...

What do you celebrate about getting older?

Every day I become more grateful for the life I am living, my family and friends, my business, my health. As I get older, I continue to feel more and more comfortable in my own skin and prioritise finding time in each day for myself—whether it be yoga, meditation or a warm cup of tea in the yard. 

What is something you would tell your 20-year-old self?

Look after yourself. Prioritise your health—both body and mind. And stay out of the sun.

What is something that you do that makes you feel gutsy and empowered?

I am at my best when I feel strong in the body and mind. I’m a very intuitive person—when designing and in life—I believe wholeheartedly in following my instinct and I try and connect with myself daily to keep myself grounded.

What is one hobby or activity that is bringing you joy right now?

The tennis court is my happy place, I have regular lessons and try to play at least once a week.

How has your emotional wellbeing evolved as you've gotten older?

When life is challenging me or I go through a dip mentally, I usually come out the other side with some sort of personal growth and a better understanding of myself. I always try to remember this now when things get tough.

Are there any challenges—physical/emotional/spiritual—that have surprised you?

I think as I have aged I have become more sensitive, particularly as I enter my late 40s. It is a time when there is so much physical change going on. I have tried to use this transition as an opportunity keep myself mentally and physically well in order to evolve and reset—an opportunity to create the foundations for the life I want to live in my 50s.


GLOW AGELESS™ Inner Beauty Essential


A bio-fermented beauty powder for those aged 50 plus.

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