The New Year often brings with it a sense of optimism and a fresh start. The good news is that you don’t have to set any big or monumental goals in order to enact some positive changes in your day to day. In fact, it’s often the smallest of things that (when done consistently) make a big difference.
So even when life gets busy and you feel like you’ve barely made headway on your hopes for the year—take a breath, reset and bring it back to basics. In the grand scheme of things, needing to extend a deadline or missing a gym class won’t change your year, but these easy everyday habits just might.
#1 Get up & glow
If radiating good health was on your wishlist for 2025, there’s one step you can easily stick to every day to make it happen. Just 1 teaspoon of GLOW® or GLOW AGELESS™ (for those 50+) promotes and supports healthy glowing skin, gut health, energy, immunity and healthy hair & nails. One powder, multiple benefits.
The (not so) secret superpower behind these bestselling formulas? Fermentation. A powerful, science-backed process in which a mother culture of bacteria is introduced to the 18 Certified Organic wholefoods found in GLOW® and GLOW AGELESS™. While all you taste is a delicious berry-flavoured blend, the bacteria have converted the ingredients into a more active form, making them highly absorbable and easier to digest. In other words, fermentation = potency.
By making GLOW® or GLOW AGELESS™ your delicious daily drinkable habit, you’re not only reaping the benefits of fermentation but also sipping on 200% of your RDI of vitamin C, 20% of your RDI of provitamin A, 50% of your RDI of zinc, and 25% of your RDI of biotin and niacinamide. Not bad for one teaspoon mixed in water or your favourite drink. It really is that easy—just get up and glow.
#2 Eat more leafy greens
According to a Forbes Health survey, weight loss and improved fitness and diet are among the top resolutions set each year. This is often supported by gym memberships, fitness apps and diet programs. However, some evidence estimates that as many as 80% of people cease such resolutions by February, which suggests that a drastic overhaul to your lifestyle isn’t always as effective as the intent.
By bringing it back to small everyday changes that are easy to slot in, you’re more likely to form habits that’ll stick. One easy way to cultivate good health? Try adding leafy greens to at least two of your daily meals. Add spinach to your eggs in the morning, throw a few handfuls in with your pasta dish, or blitz into a smoothie.
Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, watercress, bok choy, swiss chard and rocket are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Another way to boost your greens intake? DAILY SUPERGREENS. An apple-flavoured blend containing green banana starch, broccoli sprout, barley grass, spinach, kale, spirulina and milk thistle.
#3 Say “no” more often
For such a small word, there is a lot of power that comes from saying ‘no’. The reply is commonly perceived as a negative response, when really, it’s a positive tool towards setting healthy boundaries that can significantly benefit your emotional wellbeing.
The compulsion to always say ‘yes’ can often be linked with a tendency to people please or avoid confrontation, leading to post-decision regret and burn out. If this sounds familiar, practice saying ‘no’ more often. By doing so, you can shift the way your brain thinks and reacts to situations, giving you more power over your decisions and the time and ability to prioritise yourself.
When faced with a decision, ask yourself “will saying yes make me feel more burnt out?” or "if I say yes will that mean shifting focus from something else important?”. In social situations, another handy tool is to imagine if the invitation was for tomorrow—would you want to go? If the answer is no, is the answer likely to change in a week’s time when the event is happening?
Try it for yourself and see—you might be surprised by just how much the simple act of saying ‘no’ can change your year.