In The Fridge With... Lucy Vincent

Carla Oates
Carla Oates

Founder of Sans [ceuticals], Lucy Vincent, has an unerring instinct for the zeitgeist. With a core focus on wellbeing and natural science, we were so intrigued to take a peek into her fridge!

Do you have a philosophy around food?

I am big on making from scratch, mostly from plants and have a pretty minimal and edited pantry with the view to using ingredients more frequently so they are fresher, tastier, not stale and oxidised.

Do you enjoy cooking? What are your favourite recipes to cook?

I love cooking and for me, it’s a form of meditation. My Mum was a chef and her approach to food and living has been a huge influence on my life.

My favourite thing to make is gnocchi with a zesty green sauce of cavolo nero, lemon, garlic and miso. Its tangy, comforting and healthy all in one. People think gnocchi are a lot of faff, but the truth is, they are super easy.

What are the non-negotiable in your grocery shop each week?

I don’t buy a lot of clothes or design objects, so I figure a good block of cheese or olive oil is worth splurging on.  I also get heaps of joy going to the farmers market every weekend.

Where do you usually shop for groceries?

Basics come from the supermarket, dry goods from the local refill station, and all the fresh items are picked up at the Sunday farmer's market. Sunday is very busy!

How often do you do a grocery shop?

Once a week on weekends. If you store things properly, they can stay crisp and fresh in your fridge for a decent amount of time.

Are there any foods or snacks that you’ve been loving lately? How do you prepare them?

I make a nut milk every weekend made from hazelnuts, hemp hearts and brazil nuts. It has a luxurious, rich quality to it but also has a good nutritional profile. Plus, both hazelnuts and hemp hearts are grown locally here in New Zealand.

What is your favourite The Beauty Chef product? And why? How long have you been taking it for?

I love both the Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost and Collagen Inner Beauty Boost. I find drinking water a chore, so these nutritional gems make consuming the aforementioned water much more pleasurable. The Collagen makes such a noticeable difference with my skin and hair - like remarkably so.

What does your inner beauty routine look like? 

I keep it pretty simple and focus on really good produce. My diet is mostly plants and pretty clean. I’ve never been consistent taking supplements, the exception being The Beauty Chef Collagen Inner Beauty Boost and Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost.

What’s your favourite way to enjoy your The Beauty Chef products?

In a large pitcher of water to sip on throughout the working day.

Sweet or savoury?


Your all-time favourite food?

Gosh that’s hard. I don’t know if I can pick one. I really love Georgian (Eastern European) cooking. I also eat a lot of Italian and Sri Lankan.

Your go-to dessert?

Nothing beats a classic French, 70% dark chocolate mousse

Coffee or tea?

I have one coffee in the morning and then drink about 2 litres of herbal tea a day.

Takeout or a home cooked meal?

Definitely home cooked



ANTIOXIDANT Inner Beauty Boost


A probiotic elixir to protect skin against free radicals.

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COLLAGEN Inner Beauty Boost


A delicious, berry-flavoured elixir to support collagen production.

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