Now more than ever, we want to help you take the best possible care of yourself. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing nourishing recipes, wellness tips for working from home and new ways to connect—join us on social and tell us how you #keepglowing so we can navigate this together...
“The Broad Place is a global school for clarity, creativity and consciousness with a focus on meditation,” explains co-founder Jacqui Lewis. “This kind of education is so vital in our current crisis, as we all face the darkest part of ourselves, try to balance emotionally and physically and also create, thrive and innovate as is very much needed right now.” Through online integrated meditation courses and offerings like The High Vibe Program For Challenging Times (complimentary or available via donation), she shares “ancient knowledge and modern neuroscience, tools and experiences for higher grade living, teaching students to be their most resilient selves, ready for anything life holds.”
Here, she shares five techniques to help manage stress and anxiety...
1. Meditate
“There is honestly no better thing to do right now. Balancing body and mind as well as connecting to the soul so our instinct can be louder than our overthinking in our daily life. We teach a transcending practice that involves a mantra, called Integrated Meditation. It’s profoundly different to say a guided meditation and has a much deeper impact on mind and body, and we train students so they can meditate absolutely anywhere, at any time, and for life, independently. During the Coronavirus outbreak we’re currently teaching this online, so people can learn wherever they are in the world.”
2. Be Present with Your Breath
“When we are stressed we can forget to breathe properly. Our breath is a lifeline into our emotional and physical wellbeing, and returning our awareness to the breath calms overthinking and panic, and also helps ground us into our body. Belly breathing, slow and deep through the nose is best.”
3. Create the Right Mindset
“Our mindset is one of the most important things when it comes to raising our vibration and not wallowing in fear and anxiety. Every day you can create a heart-based mindset: begin by holding your hand to your heart, closing your eyes, and softening your breath. You will allow your breath and pulse to fall into a natural rhythm. Now allow your mind and heart to connect and allow your heart to fuel your mind with loving thoughts. Sit for a few minutes and really allow this process of connection to take place.”
4. Direct your Intention
“Then you will create an intention for the day ahead. Choose one that feels right for you that day, after you have connected heart and mind—it will be so much clearer after the mind and heart have connected. For example, your intention could be; loving kindness, compassion, gratitude, calm, service, warmth, grace, friendliness, clarity, creativity, expansion or empathy. Then throughout the day come back to your intention, and ask how you can let your intention inform this moment? Do this as many times as you remember to, and continue to do this every single day.”
5. Stay Hydrated
“Hydration is going to be incredibly key to calming your nervous system! Every day we are going to drink at least 1.5 litres of water. When self-isolating and being indoors it can be easy to forget to drink enough water—a good way to monitor your intake is to fill up a large bottle and drink from that, so you can work out if you need to drink 1 or 2 or even 3 of them to get your daily intake! When we are dehydrated, our bodies experience stress. We want to reduce the amount of stress impacting our bodies at this time, and ensure we can do all we can to support our nervous systems on every level. Also ensure all the people in your life are hydrating themselves, and together hold each other accountable for better health.”