Every day, our body comes into contact with countless toxins—either by means of ingestion or absorption through our skin.
The trouble is, due to our busy modern lives, it can sometimes feel like we are powerless to protect ourselves and it’s no wonder that the word ‘detox’ has become such a buzzword in the health and wellness industry. While detoxes are often thought of as rigorous juice cleanses, or harsh detox products, diet and exercise regimes that are designed to eliminate toxins, improve health and increase weight loss—the truth is that our body’s have a pretty impressive detoxification system that, if we support correctly, can do its job very effectively.
However, if left unchecked, our elimination systems can become overburdened and leave us with a toxic load that feels unmanageable. The symptoms of large amounts of toxins in the body can also vary greatly and range from mild to severe—which is why it’s so important to take note of our toxic load and do our best to reduce the amount of toxins we come into contact with daily.
Here, we explore what our toxic load actually is, some of the common symptoms caused by toxins in the body and how to detoxify your body at home and subsequently reduce your toxic load…
What Is Toxic Load?
Your “toxic load” simply refers to the number of harmful chemicals and toxins that have accumulated in your body—and as you can imagine, this level of toxicity differs from person to person depending on their lifestyle and environmental factors.
But like it or not, we encounter many of these substances or ‘toxins’ in our daily lives—whether that’s from second-hand cigarette smoke, processed foods, urban pollution, conventional cleaning products, supplements or our skin and personal care products. Even the fresh produce we consume and the water bottles we buy may contain harmful substances that can accumulate in our bodies over time.
Symptoms Caused By Toxins In The Body
While our elimination organs work hard to detoxify our bodies of unwelcome chemicals, heavy metals, hormones and toxins, they can become overloaded, especially if our exposure to these substances is ongoing. And while symptoms of this toxic build up can vary, one of the main issues is that it can lead to gut dysbiosis, which is characterised by a decrease in microbial diversity and an increase in unfriendly bacterial species, leading to an overall imbalance. Furthermore, when we are dealing with an unhappy gut, this can lead to a whole host of other health symptoms including lethargy and chronic fatigue syndrome, a weakened immune system, digestive discomfort, bloating and leaky gut, skin issues like rashes, acne, eczema, rosacea and psoriasis—and ongoing systemic inflammation (which has been linked to more serious conditions like heart disease, blood pressure issues and even cancer).
How To Remove Toxins From The Body
As you can see, it’s super important to ensure we support our body’s elimination organs and natural detoxification system if we want to feel healthy, well and vital. But the good news is, there are a few simple things you can do to reduce your toxic load and detox your body—starting right now:
Embrace Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Swap harsh chemical cleaners for natural, plant-based products and you’ll do your body a world of good. While occasional contact with commercial cleaning products is unlikely to cause any harm, it’s best to avoid daily use and make the switch to toxin-free products. Many common cleaning products contain chemicals that are known to be harmful, especially for pregnant women and children. Certain chemicals in the ‘phthalate’ class, for example, have been linked to breast cancer, asthma and fertility issues. Green cleaning products that use botanicals, essential oils, plant-based soaps and sugar-derived alcohols are readily available and kind to your body. Try switching to a no-nasties cleaning brand, such as Bondi Wash, or even make your own using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.
Get Your Greens
A balanced diet is key for optimal health, but for a natural detox, opt for cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and kale which are rich in cleansing, sulfur-containing phytochemicals that release detoxification enzymes. Incorporating more of these foods into your daily diet may aid your body’s natural elimination process. Where possible, eat organic, too as conventional produce can contain chemicals and pesticides that over time, wreak havoc on our health. For the days when you’re unlikely to hit your veggie intake—or your body needs some extra support—consider supplementing with a supergreens powder like CLEANSE Inner Beauty Support. Containing a concentrated dose of Certified Organics greens—including broccoli sprouts, barley grass, spinach, kale and spirulina—as well as prebiotic resistant starch from green bananas and probiotics for a healthy belly, CLEANSE is the ultimate way to boost your greens intake and support a healthy digestive system. Simply stir through water or add to your favourite smoothies!
Ditch The Perfume
If you’re attempting to embrace a more natural lifestyle and reduce your toxic load, you may have already moved on from the use of commercial perfumes—and with good reason: some perfumes contain known hormone disruptors and can irritate the skin. If applying perfume is your thing, go the natural route or create your own therapeutic, toxin-free scent using pure essential oils.
Detox Your Beauty Cabinet
It’s entirely possible that the products we use to enhance our outer beauty may be doing the opposite to our insides. In Australia, cosmetics are regulated by the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS)—and if a product has made it to the shelf, this ultimately means it’s been deemed safe to use. However, many of the chemicals used in skincare and makeup are known to be dangerous in high concentrations. While conventional cosmetics may only contain small doses of these chemicals, we’d rather avoid them altogether. Make the switch to clean beauty products to avoid allergic reactions and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which may have negative side effects, even at small doses.
Nourish Your Gut
Your gut plays an integral role in the detoxification process. While attempting to reduce your toxic load, it’s important to keep your bowels moving regularly, as this is the main way your body expels waste and toxins. If your bowel movements are a little sluggish, or you suffer from leaky gut, IBS or similar conditions, nourishing your gut health is a crucial step on the path to reducing your toxic load. Drink warm water upon waking, incorporate whole grains, chia seeds and freshly ground flaxseeds into your diet to gently sweep through your intestines, and of course, incorporate physical activity regularly to boost your microbiome.