Perks: Each tier in the Inner Beauty Circle will unlock benefits such as free products, exclusive content, shipping offers and more. When you enter a new tier, you will receive an email notifying you of the perks you have unlocked. You can also view your available perks via the Inner Beauty Circle dashboard. Selecting a perk will display instructions for how to redeem the gift and these can be found on the dashboard under ‘Your rewards’.
Redeemable Rewards: As you accumulate Inner Beauty Points, you can choose to redeem them for $5, $10, $15 or $20 vouchers - these vouchers will provide you with a promotional code that can then be applied at checkout as a discount on your next order. These vouchers can be redeemed via the Inner Beauty Circle dashboard.
$5, $10, $15, $20 voucher
Once you reach eligible points, pre-set vouchers will appear redeemable under the ‘All rewards’ section of the dashboard. Simply click ‘View’ —> ‘Redeem’ —> the you can click ‘Apply code’ or copy and paste it at checkout.
Spend points at checkout
You can also choose to spend points at the checkout. Once you have at least 500 points, if you are logged into your loyalty account, you’ll have the option to redeem your points starting at $5 voucher = 500 points and going up in increments of $1=100 points. You’ll be able to use the points slider to nominate how many points you would like to spend, and redeem and apply the discount directly at the checkout.
Note: You will be unable to spend points at checkout with subscription products in your cart.