Inner Beauty Is… with Rachael Finch

Aileen Keogh
Aileen Keogh

Australian beauty, Rachael Finch, is one of those women who continues to inspire us on a daily basis. The busy mum-of-two has not only enjoyed an incredibly successful career in fashion, but her business, Body by Finch, is a breath of fresh air in the world of health and fitness.

Her positive outlook and energy are contagious, so get set to be inspired...


What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self, just as you embarked on Miss Australia and then Miss Universe?

Have confidence in who you are and where you're at in life, even if things don't feel 100% aligned. Speak from the heart and always be kind to yourself. You'll look back on these memories forever so make the most of every second and focus on just 'being'.


How has your concept of beauty changed over the last few years?

Beauty is so much more about the actions I deliver day-to-day and how I speak to myself internally. It used to be about what was visible on the surface and what other people thought but I have found such magic in looking within – it's allowed me to see life differently and create more happiness.  


And how would you like your children to define 'beauty'?

I want Violet and Dominic to find their own definitions of beauty, whatever that may be. I think that's the real beauty about us as individuals, we each have a unique point of view and way of expressing ourselves. I'll be there to open doors to experiences and opportunities and hopefully this will allow their minds and souls develop!


With two children and two businesses, you have become a role model for many young women in Australia, what are a couple of great pieces of advice you've been given that you have turned to more than once?

Having your own business does not mean you can start work late and finish early. It requires so much more time, love, patience and commitment when it's your own. But when you find something you absolutely adore and you make your passion your work, it won't feel like long, tiresome hours. The other piece of advice that I tune into every day is to simply trust my intuition and listen to my body. When we take time to stop, breathe and focus on being present daily, we are more inclined to be able to listen to what our body is saying – 90% of the time we have the answer within!


What does inner beauty mean to you?

Inner beauty for me is a feeling of confidence, love and respect for myself. It's about having gratitude for what my body has taken me through already in life, and knowing that it's constantly working to keep me well.


Can you give us an example of a time you've listened to your gut instinct?

Pregnancy is a great example for me! I think our sensitivity and intuition is elevated when we're pregnant and I definitely noticed my body sending me more signals than usual on what to eat, do and say.


What do you do to get your daily GLOW on?

I eat gut-friendly foods and fermented ingredients, stay hydrated with plenty of fresh filtered water, move my body with the plan from my program – Body by Finch – stay calm with meditation and ensure I get a good night's sleep.  


When I'm not sure how to deal with a high pressure situation... I always breathe first.

I'd rather be... poor and happy than rich and miserable.

I'll never be too old... for dancing with my husband.


What does inner beauty mean to you? Join the conversation by heading to @TheBeautyChef


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