FEMMZE Founder Beck Quade On Business, Wellness & Menstrual Cycles

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Carla Oates The Beauty Chef Founder

In an effort to reduce our environmental footprint, team TBC are always on the lookout for the latest sustainably-focused brands making an impact in the health space. One of our recent discoveries has been FEMMZE, a new offering in the leak-proof and period underwear space, founded by Sydney-based Creative Director and Brand Specialist, Beck Quade.

As a longtime champion of the wellness industry, and sustainably-minded designers, Beck became drawn to the absorbency underwear space when she could not find a product she actually wanted to wear (uninspired by the language surrounding the products and the products themselves).

Fast forward, Beck is now setting a new standard for absorbent textiles and design with her bespoke range of feminine and luxury absorbent wear that is crafted from the highest quality sustainable materials.

We sat down with this conscious creative to learn more about both her business and wellness journey...

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A professional tennis player but if that didn’t work out I just wanted to travel and explore the world. I grew up on a wheat farm, and there was a lot of time to look out at the horizon and wonder what’s beyond there. I was always curious about how the rest of the world lived, and my connection to it all.

Could you tell us a bit about your career prior to launching FEMMZE?

I studied business at university, and then went into magazine publishing. As soon as I had saved enough money, I finally packed my bags and went to explore the world.  

I then started my own integrated marketing agency at 24 which worked mostly across the luxury fashion and music spaces in Australia and overseas. I lived in LA, London, and also spent a considerable amount of time in India studying yoga. 

After having my first child, I really felt a sense of overwhelm when it came to my ability to run a business, and be the Mum I wanted to be - there was this new version of myself that had also been “born”, and I think I needed to find my way with that. The “having it all” mentality feels full of unrealistic expectations, and pressure. What does it even mean anyway?

I remember having my six week old in London with me for work, and just being so utterly exhausted, and wondering how it seemed so easy for others to do it, but I couldn’t. I took a step back for a while and spent time being a Mum. I had to trust that the other parts of myself would find their way again, and in time they did. I think it’s a very potent time for women as they move into their 40’s and beyond, there is this real sense of clarity and confidence that becomes apparent if we allow it to. The vision for FEMMZE is very much a sum of my personal experience and journey as a woman.

What is the premise behind FEMMZE? What kind of gap in the market does it fill?

I really felt there needed to be a more modern take in the category of women’s wellness, sustainability and reducing single use plastics. The FEMMZE branding is elevated and contemporary and it has become more and more evident to me even in this infancy phase of FEMMZE how women really want information and a destination to provide them with an offering that can also educate them about their monthly cycles, and the seasons of their lives. 

How to care and nurture ourselves more, and live more in alignment with what is happening when it comes to the rhythms of our bodies. Most of us were never taught this information, so I guess on top of providing the highest quality leakproof underwear, I see FEMMZE playing a support role to women through our ever evolving “Nurturing You” wellness platform where we will offer more and more Yoga, Yin, Meditation and Movement to do with menstrual cycles as well as providing information from all kinds of modalities surrounding menstrual health. I’ve noticed a trend in recent years with women seeking more information about their menstrual cycle and how it impacts their lives. 

Why do you think it’s important for women to understand their menstrual cycle and phases?

I think we have lived for so long with a sense of shame around periods up until now. We were taught to pop pain relief and just get on with it, or to suffer in silence in phases like menopause. There is a huge lack of visibility for women as we age, and this is very much reflected in menstrual health. Thankfully there appears to be a collective “waking up” of sorts, and women are coming together and sharing their stories, and seeking more education. I am sure we can shift the narrative, and usher in a new phase of empowerment for future generations.

Could you talk us through each lueteal phase and how it may impact our body, energy and mood?

We have an upcoming collaboration with @hayleyroseyoga who is a specialist on cyclical living, and we will talk through this in greater detail and provide exclusive content so people can deep dive into living more in harmony with their cycle. Stay tuned!

Do you have any strategies for menstruating women to better manage each lueteal phase? What tips do you give to women when they’re on their monthly cycle?

I just want to preface this by the fact that I am not an expert in women’s health. But speaking from my own personal journey, without a doubt integrating a sense of slowing down and being more gentle to myself around my cycle has had a profound effect. Entering the peri-menopause phase had impacted my daily life considerably, from hormonal insomnia, heavy periods, severe anaemia etc. I really take care and embrace the need to rest, meditate, exercise, and eat well.

What does wellness look like to you? What routines or rituals do you follow to feel your best?

I'm religious when it comes to taking naturopathic herbs morning and night, along with daily exercise depending on where I am at with my cycle. I start to slow near my period, and do more walking, gentle yoga, but if it's in the more energetic phase of my cycle, I definitely up the cardio, and a stronger yoga practice. Cold ocean swims are also incredible for restoring the nervous system, and the overheating I feel in my body at times!

What is your favourite Beauty Chef product?

Without a doubt the SLEEP powder every night before bed, or the Sleep Support capsules. I also love the new PMS Support offering too!



Relieves symptoms of PMS including breast tenderness, pain and menstrual irregularity.

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